Salary & Reward Benchmarking
We provide customised salary and reward data insights for businesses. Our reports focus on specific roles, skills, and sectors, giving you more relevant information than generic surveys. We use a mix of macro, micro and telephone research data, expertly analysed by our team to help you benchmark effectively. Our insights and analytics are tailored to your company and specific skill set.
With Our Salary Benchmarking Insight, You Can:
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business salary structure, enabling you to create an accurate profile of your company.
- Save time and money with accurate data.
- Compare your salary offerings to your competitors.
- Take what is working across the industry and apply it to your business.
- Make evidence-based decisions upon salary budgeting.
- Compare the salaries across the market and similar industries.
- Adjust your salaries accordingly.
- Highlight performance measures and processes.
- Attract new talent.
- Implement improvements.
- Improve employee retention.
- Enable equal opportunities.
Gathering insights on employees’ thoughts and emotions regarding their work puts employers ahead of their competition, improving both employee retention and attraction. Our customised and user-friendly surveys can help establish a baseline for employee engagement, and our pulse surveys can help you stay up-to-date with their changing needs and perspectives.
Employee surveys benefit companies by:
- improving engagement
- identifying areas for improvement
- encouraging open communication
- measuring progress
- demonstrating that the company cares about its employees
Cogito Are Outstanding In Their Field For Employee Engagement Survey Project With Mole Valley Farmers
This case study looks at our latest project with Mole Valley Farmers. Over the years, they have acquired many different brands, which has led to a need for more understanding of how all employees feel. They were keen to find out what their employees thought about...
Skills Research
Skill research provides valuable insights for achieving diverse, business-driven goals, including effective benchmarking through analysis of employee data and external research. Our research includes a range of data such as supply/demand analysis, heat maps, advertised salaries, prominent hiring employers, regional and national analysis, as well as gender and ethnicity mix.
Benefits Of Skill Research
- Supply / Demand
- Heat Maps across the UKI, US and Europe
- Advertised Salaries
- Prominent Hiring Employers
- Regional Analysis
- National Analysis
- Gender Mix
- Ethnicity Mix
Personality Profiling
High Performer Profiling
We help businesses to understand what good looks like within the organisation. We collaborate closely with you, providing insights and recommendations that contribute to your organisation’s performance.
Our Insights team use the NEO personality inventory, the gold-standard questionnaire measure of the Five Factor Model (FFM). It provides a detailed personality description that can be valuable for predicting behaviour and professional outcomes.
Benefits Of Our Personality Profiling:
- Reduces bias.
- Decreases attrition.
- Uncovers hidden strengths and weaknesses.
- Drills down to the core skills for a role.
- Ensures that the candidate is fit for the position.
- Reduces attrition and long-term hiring costs.
- Enables equal opportunities.